Employee Assistance Programme FAQ

Questions and Answers regarding EAP

  • What is the Resiliency Development and Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) workshop about?

    To develop resilience of employees by enhancing their well-being and organizational performance, their ability to cope with ups and downs and bounce back from challenges as well as lowering healthcare costs, boosting higher productivity, lowering absenteeism and decreasing the rate of turnovers.

  • How do they sign up? By company or by employee?

    Employee Assistant Programme enrolment is required to be associated with their respective company. On the other hand, the registration for Resiliency Development and Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) workshop is by employee.

  • How much does the Resiliency Development and Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) workshop cost?

    RM1500 per employee (Applicable for training grant claims for registered member of HRDF for attending this workshop)

  • What is the difference between Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and Psychology Corporate Training?

    PsyCorp pioneered a special programme in Malaysia called the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). The EAP is a tailored package for corporations to care for their employee's needs. The services include stress management, therapy for depression and anxiety, conflict management and substance abuse counselling. The centre's psychologists are here to assist and mediate problems to ensure a constructive perspective of the problem can emerge to allow the employees to change to be more successful.

    Meanwhile at Psycorp, we also provide a comprehensive training package which include specific skills and knowledge gap analyzing and identification, facilitation and training delivery, post training evaluation and consultation so that the programme will demonstrate what specific learning objectives need to be achieved and guarantee that they are actually achieved.

  • Should Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) and Psychology Corporate Training be promoted separately?

    Yes, to make our clients less confused Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is offered to Bank institutions whereas Psychology Corporate Training is offered only to various multinational corporation

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